- DT: MLB takes over operations of Dodgers
- LAT: Bud Selig confirms appointment of Dodgers trustee, investigation into club finances
- LAT: Major League Baseball seizes control of Dodgers
- MSTI: Smell You Later, Frank McCourt
- MLBTR: MLB To Take Over Dodgers' Financial Operations
- MLBTR: Dodgers Takeover Links: Thursday
- MLB.com: Selig to appoint rep to oversee Dodgers
- MLB.com: Focus remains on field for Dodgers players
- TBLA: MLB To Oversee Day-To-Day Operations Of The Dodgers
- Fangraphs: MLB Takes Over Dodgers, Expos Fan Nods Sadly
- 6-4-2: McCourt Continues To Drain The Dodgers
- 6-4-2: More On MLB's Dodger Coup
- Dylan Hernandez @Twitter
- Dylan Hernandez @Twitter, part 2
- Dylan Hernandez @Twitter, part 3
- Dylan Hernandez @Twitter, part 4
- Bill Shaikin @Twitter
"Pursuant to my authority as Commissioner, I informed Los Angeles Dodgers owner Frank McCourt today that I will appoint a representative to oversee all aspects of the business and the day-to-day operations of the Club. I have taken this action because of my deep concerns regarding the finances and operations of the Dodgers and to protect the best interests of the Club, its great fans and all of Major League Baseball. My office will continue its thorough investigation into the operations and finances of the Dodgers and related entities during the period of Mr. McCourt's ownership. I will announce the name of my representative in the next several days. The Dodgers have been one of the most prestigious franchises in all of sports, and we owe it to their legion of loyal fans to ensure that this club is being operated properly now and will be guided appropriately in the future."聖教主Bud Selig如是宣佈...
Bye, Frank.
總之,Frank和Jamie McBroke離婚官司使得雙方見不得人的帳目大公開,也讓the McBrokes使用五鬼搬運法黑Dodgers球團的錢曝光,如...把球團不動產分批抵押貸款拿錢來買私人豪宅、讓球團付沒啥幫助的家人薪水、讓球團支付薪水給莫名其妙的顧問...最著名的是被LAT酸文記者酸到爆的駐波士頓(the McBrokes老家)俄籍靈媒Vladimir Shpunt...等等把Dodgers當自家提款機的惡行。
接著是Frank和Jamie一直喬不定離婚官司,畢竟在Forbes年初估Dodgers球團現總值1B鎂的情況下,說怎樣Jamie也要依加州離婚法規要到他該拿的一半膳養費 ── 500M。而前陣子結案的初審當然也判Jamie的確應該擁有一半the McBrokes的財產,也就是擁有50% Dodgers經營權...雖說Jamie派的高層早在離婚剛開始鬧台面上時被火光光,但重點是這離婚官司一鬧18個月還未結束 ── Frank不肯給出50%財產,Jamie奢侈的生活支出費用再加上Frank五鬼搬運免稅大法在這經濟爛到谷底的近年只讓社會大眾越加不爽(當然,美帝國稅局也趁火打劫...最近跑去查了...)。
LAT後來報FOX之前的開價只有1.6B for 13 yrs
Update 13:05 Apr,27
不過好玩的事是肥皂劇應該還沒結束,離婚一鬧已18個月,the McBrokes都還沒理清財務,Frank依然把持Dodgers所有的權力(沒錯,Jamie 2011年初贏了官司,但Jamie派已經被清算了...),以Frank這種死要面子又把持不放的態度,我很難想像他會乖乖把經營權讓給聖教主
Update 0:31 Apr,23