Thursday, November 09, 2006

The BA Modified 2006 Elias Sports Bureau rankings

...... As part of the new collective bargaining agreement, starting in 2007, Type A will become the top 20 percent and Type B will become the 21-40 percent group, with Type C now meaningless.

While the classification modifications won't take place until next year, the compensation for each group changes immediately. Type A free agents will yield the signing team's first-round pick (provided it's not in the upper half of the first round) and a supplemental first-rounder, the same as before. But Type B compensation goes from the signing team's first-round pick (with the same upper-first-round protection) to a supplemental first-round choice, ......
因為懶的去找CBA原文,本來就打算直接撿現成的ESB rankings來看。

*J.D. Drew (A)
Eric Gagne (A)
Nomar Garciaparra (B)
*Kenny Lofton (B)
Julio Lugo (A)
Greg Maddux (A)

Drew的那個*應該是指他擁有的兩年內脫逃條款吧?希望他不要衝動執行呀,不但對他自己玻璃的身體無益、也對Dodgers戰績無益,畢竟這兩年他都是Dodgers表現次佳的選手(去年次於Kent 30WS/ Drew 17WS;今年次於Furcal 27WS/ Drew 21WS from THT),而Lofton那個*應該只是還沒飛FA吧?(難不成有密約?)

這幾位我想留的只有Drew (是希望他根本走都沒走),和Maddux,然而maddog最近放狠話要兩年16M起跳......


Morikawa said...

原來....06 年 Elias 公布 ranking 仍然是用舊的分類標準。

這可有趣!Nomar 在 1B 與 OF 間排在舊 type A -- 也就是 30% 之外,我原本以為是縮到 20% 才讓 Nomar 變成 type B 的,但綜合 Gagne 的 case,看起來 Elias 有運用前幾年的成績來做權重。另外,把 "heart and soul" 的名號留給一個排在 30% 外的傢伙,這有點好笑....

JD 目前的合約還有 3 年 33M,他現在 opt out 之後,5 年約能否找到 40M 的數字恐怕都有問題,我想他沒這麼笨,他會留在 LA。

Maddux....個人的想法是考慮到 Billinglsey 與 Kuo,咱們還是用 "免洗 5 號" 的戰略好了。

madboy said...

