Tsao added to 40-man roster
這個情報和之前LA times所報導的小聯盟合約消息不合,LA媒體當時只將他即將和Dodgers簽約的消息,連同425K的大聯盟薪水、或125K的小聯盟薪水寫出來,並沒有說這個約到底是不是保證約 ── 因為他沒有絕對必要一定得進40人名單 ── 但Tsao他進去了。
我想這對Tsao而言是一大勝利,他不但保住一整年的飯碗,而且即使最後Dodgers不想要他了,至少還保住至少125K薪水;對Colletti言,這不過是花點小錢換來Rockies前幾年的top prospects,看看能不能長出什麼東西來,對有錢球團來說,錢或許就該這樣砸吧?反過來想,F. Col可相當看好Tsao,否則怎會直接將他簽40人名單裡"備用"?
再反過來以Rockies的角度來看,我實在搞不懂他們在想啥:假若Tsao真有F. Col看來那樣可用的情況,Rockies為何要將他(2.2M) non-tender掉呢?Rockies的prospects有這麼多,多到40人裡擺不下Tsao?還是F. Col嫌他的40人名單裡人太少了?
友台有質疑Colletti到底簽的是張40人clause的約或是Major league contract。我目前只想問,到底Dan O'Dowd (Rockies GM)比較笨還是Ned Colletti比較笨?
More journeymen invited to spring training
Colletti不慌不忙地找來大批老人陪大家春訓,包括老掉牙的回鍋右投Rudy Seanez、生涯只有一年值得一提的Fernando Tatis和Larry Bigbie。他們會有功用的機會並不大,除非Dodgers繼續無視某些prospects,而真的有這可能性......因為現在的GM有不用老人會全身不對勁的病。
Robles sent back to Mexico
Thank Goodness he's gone!
啊,對了,40人名單就是這樣空出一格來的嗎?另外去年某GM不是還說因為Kent和Nomar常受傷的關係,Ramon Martinez與Robles才找的到工作嗎?現在怎麼又變了呢?
Winter league prospects
- Dodgers.com: Abreu takes title into Spring Training
15G 52AB .365/.421/.558 BB/K 8/? 1HR
Update 12:23 Feb,7
Beimel's new contract: no progress
我們在無腦地與AE (arbitration eligible)的Hend-suck-son簽下一年2.925M的約避開仲裁後,目前只剩Beimel的約尚未談定,LA Daily News報說Beimel開價1.25M,Dodgers則只願給912.5K,只差大約300K,目前雙方仍沒有進一步溝通,預料9日將上法院見。
Osoria thrown away again
沒有比這更慘的了,老朋友Franquelis Osoria在被Dodgers丟了之後雖被Pirates撿走,但他們為了把40人位置空出來給新簽下的Tony Armas Jr.,只好再把Osoria DFA掉......
Mad Dog,
thanks for calculating the CPBL park factors. I am trying to assess how competitive the CPBL is by deriving a Davenport Translation Multiplier, and they came in handy. Too bad there's no data for pre-2004.
Thanks for your appreciation. I started counting the CPBL "fake" park factor program due to the foundation of La New Bears -- the only club in Taiwan who stays (almost) at the same home stadium for a season. That's why I did not count the data before 2004. And that's also why I called my plan a "fake" park factor -- because most of the other 5 teams did not (and until now, still does not) have a home park. The Lions might be the second team who most-likely has her own home park.
Anyway, I hope if this data could do any help for you.
pitchers and catchers report in a week!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yeah, if teams didn't have home parks prior to 2004, and park factors really have little effect and aren't necessary. But I also thought pre-2004 RAW data wasn't accessible because it wasn't on the CPBL website.
to Wilson:
Actually, I'm not quite excited about this spring training. The rosters are already set. There will be no surprise until somebody got himself injured, just as boring as last year.
to 2.5:
The official CPBL website will remove all the detail stats (though not so detail as we can get online as MLB) once the awards were given after a single season. So you must collect the data at that time, or nothing will remain on the surface later. And there's no offical CPBL almanac published for more than 5 years, if I remembered correctly.
However, some Taiwanese Sabermetric superbs are collecting their own data, game by game, nowadays. They also published an "TWBaseball info Handbook 2006" on the web last year, and are planning for a second almanac recently. More informations can be found from 台灣棒球資訊網 (editor in chief: 曹士昌, PTT id: Debugger). I thought they might have more CPBL raw data than others.
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