剛好昨天入手最新的BA 0626~0701,把陳鏞基的scouting report貼一貼。之前BA寫AL其他兩分區的top 10 prospect雙週刊我也有入手,不過裡面沒多寫什麼有關鄭錡鴻的消息(就只有寫best curveball,和網路上一樣)。
(我又發現本來十月底要寫的TW minor leaguer Review的草稿擺在那邊納涼兩個月...)
About the Dodgers, Baseball, and My personal murmurs (in Traditional Chinese).
Ehhh.... wtf? I just went over to 友台 AndreNomo's site... and got a message that the blog has been close? wtf... lets hope you don't 人間蒸發 like that too....
Take Care,
Btw... what's on that scouting report.. the picture is too blury.. cant read it..
Andre must forget to login for a while. One of the wretch's policy is that the user must login to their bbs once 3 month (or so? Sorry, I didn't use that site for a long time), otherwise the user's account expires. And he has to claim his account within a period of time, or the account might be claimed by other people.
About Chen's scouting report... actually I just cut its link to the oringinal size due to copyright issue. However, if you download that picture and...... (I didn't tell anything...)
OK. Maybe you should delete that comment you posted...hahaha.
As for Chen... the scouts basically reflected the same concern as me in the sense that... that guy might be a solid MLBer...but no star.
a 808 OPS in AA never translates well into MLB numbers... although his k/bb is surprisingly good. Hopefully he can learn a few more positions, which should help him move up.
Lets put it this way.... of all the minor leaguers right now, I dont' see any making a big impact in the next 2 years (at the MLB leve). After the big 3 pitchers... well... the shelf is preeeety barren at the higher minor league levels in terms of Taiwanese players.
Take Care,
You never know when and how a minor league player would become a major leaguer. For example, the famous sinker baller from Taiwan was never built on his sinking fastballs until he played in AAA level. And then he came out success at least for a major league season.
On the contrary, the best-ever Taiwanese right hander is now suffering from his throwing shoulder. This injury might cost his entire career. And the best-ever Taiwanese southpaw now has problems which isn't his fault: the GM and manager on his team dislike him and look him as a reliever.
That's life.
Well...my other concern with Chen is that... he isn't exactly young.... he turns 24 during the season of 2007... which is about the upper limit of "reasonable age" for a AAA player.
Sure there are late bloomers like Josh Willingham and Papelbon and Gagne.. but then again...those are more the exceptions than the rule...
I just feel that most of the time, unfortunately, the stars are people who start to shine at a very young age. Like of course, I wish him the best and hope that he does well, but rationally, I don't think he is star material.
Take Care,
Actually, I'm quite surprised that Sickels rates Chen that good. And he did have a good season in his third career year.
To talk about age, Ryan Howard is just a little bit older than Prince Pujols, right? I'll say that hall of famers are people who start to shine at a very young age, but not stars. Stars are created from advertisements.
Hahaha.....yup... you are right... I stand corrected!!!
I agree that "stars are created from advertisements".... in fact stardom have very little to do with a person's playing skills....
1) David Bekham's $260M contract....
2) Michelle Wie being LPGA's highest earning athlete in 2006...
3) Anna Kournikova
Take Care,
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