Thursday, July 15, 2010

Now We Know Why Colletti Extended Jeff Kent's Contract...

當初笨GM Ned Colletti替沒人緣又愛放砲的老士官長Jeff Kent續約1+1年的時候,我們一直搞不懂為何笨GM蠢到要這樣做,當年Kent雖然還維持了幾個不錯的球季,但以一位棒球員高齡38歲的觀點來看,已進入生涯末期,完全沒有必要在那種時候急著續約留人,更何況Kent臭名在外,理應更有機會殺點價。

最近在the McBrokes肥皂劇下很多不得見人的事情終於水落石出 ── 原來當年在惡老闆亂砍manager Jim Tracy與GM DePo後,各高階主管人才均退避三舍,不敢應徵Dodgers GM這燙手山竽工作,於是老闆Frank便只好跑去找Jamie在他慈(讀音: ㄏㄟ)善(ㄑ一ㄢˊ)事業裡認識的Jeff Kent介紹了同是ex-Giants的AGM Ned Colletti來當Dodgers的GM...

我們看看ESPN雜誌記者Molly Knight的報導:
What was her (按: Jamie McCourt) biggest impact on the organization?

I still have no idea. Oh, maybe the hiring of Ned Colletti. I've heard stories that she became close friends with Jeff Kent after he volunteered to help domestic violence victims as part of her WIN Initiative. Both she and Frank respected Kent's willingness to serve the community. Jeff mentioned Ned Colletti to Jamie because he knew they were looking for a GM. Jamie suggested it to Frank. Ned killed in his interview because he didn't ask how much money he'd have to play with. A few former execs told me all this, so take it with a grain of salt. But it starts to make sense that Kent was responsible for Colletti when you see the contract extension he was rewarded with after Colletti got there.



2005 age 37 4.6WAR 15.7$WAR 7.4M
2006 38 2.1WAR 7.9$WAR 9.4M
sum 37~38 6.7WAR 23.6$WAR 16.8M

2007 39 3.2WAR 13.3$WAR 9.8M
2008 40 0.8WAR 3.4$WAR 9.0M
sum 39~40 4.0WAR 16.7$WAR 18.8M

DePo用16.8M的錢使用37~38歲的Kent,拿下6.7WAR,約值23.6M的產值,即DePo簽約下的Kent多替Dodgers賺了23.6M-16.8M = 6.8M

反觀笨GM則是用18.8M的錢簽下ㄖㄅㄒㄕ的Kent,拿下4.0WAR,值約16.7M... 16.7M-18.8M = -2.1M... 讓Dodgers多浪費了2.1M在Kent的養老費上。這2.1M大概就是Kent介紹笨GM當GM的酬庸費吧。

Fuxk you, Kent.
Fuxk you, Jamie.

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