Monday, May 16, 2005

Who Can Explain This?

我不曉得Oscar Robles和Tracy是不是有親戚關係,也不曉得Robles和Jason Grabowski是不是有親戚關係,不過我曉得Robles現在的表現比Norihiro Nakamura還要差。
Robles AB17 .059/.059/.059 LHB
Nakamura AB39 .128/.171/.179 RHB
Grabowski AB31 .129/.243/.226 LHB
Edwards AB26 .346/.370/.462 RHB


Tracy的解釋是(Explaining the lineup那段):
Tracy said Sunday's lineup against Tim Hudson, which had Oscar Robles batting second and Choi seventh, was designed to take advantage of Choi's recent power surge. In his last 16 games, he is batting .432 with five homers and 13 RBIs.

Going into the game, left-handed hitters were batting .304 against Hudson, while right-handers were batting .228.

因為Tim Hudson生涯對左打被打率是.304,所以讓Robles繼續擺二棒浪費打席,然後近況最好的Choi去打七棒。這什麼鬼解釋!在Robles還沒確認他是否能站穩MLB之前,就預設立場他會把Hudson的球打好?然後對待全隊最火熱的打者(近23場球賽 OPS 1.154),又是面對右投的情況下,丟到七棒去。

面對右投選擇讓左打上打線我能接受,Mike Edwards或許只是運氣好狀況佳我也能接受,但是讓狀況差有待調整的新人打二棒擠不出安打是在做什麼?Tracy是不是忘記Mexican League是個打者聯盟,一個比PCL還要PCL的地方。


Jon Weisman(Dodger Thoughts)這篇文章滿有趣的,而CCLu(The Pinstriped Morningside Heights)看到OBP.320的Tony Womack站二棒就受不了了,那Tracy讓OBP.059的Robles站二棒,真是讓我兩場球就受夠了。

Fire Jim Tracy, please.

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