Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Recent Murmur

Ross被DFA後轉賣給Reds換取PTBNL,相信不會是什麼能看的東西。話說Dodgers近年養出(一隻手可以算完)的農產David Ross也在那裡......


Kent又在場上場下放垃圾話當他的老大了,這回的受壓迫者是Lance "All Star" "Who Sucks" Carter。即使他被攆走我一點都不覺得可惜。

Kuo今天在延長賽苦吞四月第三敗。在牛棚極缺人手的情況下,這回來LA尋找MLB機會的Takashi Saito剛好得到出場的機會,並且目前是牛棚裡最棒的牛 ── 是的,比帳面上漂亮但常搞人的Baez更佳。

Penny據說在今天之前是MLB SP裡VORP最高者,現在應該不是了。不過倘若他真的保持這樣的能耐的話,或許他有機會問鼎某些獎項,現在談這個太早了點就是。


VORP ~Apr26
1. Greg Maddux 15.7
2. Chris Carpenter 15.6
3. Jose Contreras 15.5
4. Brandon Webb 15.3
5. Mark Buehrle 14.7
6. Curt Schilling 14.6
7. Mike Mussina 14.3
8. Brad Penny 13.1
9. Roy Oswalt 12.9
10. Bronson Arroyo 12.6
54. Takashi Saito 6.5
84. Derek Lowe 5.0

Lowe仍是個solid innings-eater,but he sucks!
Update 12:04 Apr,28


madboy said...


Lofton? Who cares?
He sucks.

KSwisher said...

Kent can say whatever he want becaus he has no contract problem. Good Job, Dodgers' boss.

Nomar is back.
One GS in the first game, and go 0-6 in the second game. Come on, you don't need to balance your performance.

One question to madboy, since this is the first Major season for Kuo, will Colleti&Little keep him in the roster if he cannot solve his problem?

Ako said...

你有沒有看到! 你有沒有看到!

今天我們的二游搭檔是Ramon and Oscar!

為什麼不讓Nomar偶爾打打SS, 然後排Saenz1B勒?

KSwisher said...

Come on, let's give R&O a chance. Maybe they just two bags of ball, but they are pretty healthy.

If you put Nomar back to SS, who knows how long his body could keep him on the field?

By the way, does Aybar capable to play SS?

Ako said...

just a game, come on....

if nomar can't even handle one game at shortstop, why would he even consider playing now?

yes, ramon and oscar are healthy.


those guys in LV are healthy too...

madboy said...

to KSwisher:
Kuo is not the worst pitcher in the bullpen. At least he can fan some guys...Droping him to Triple-A does not make much sense, since there is no replacement lefties here and there. IIRC, Kelly "the lefty Gagne" Wunsch had not pitched a ball this season yet.

to KS & Ako:
No comments to Nomar, since I don't like him.

Undoubtedly, R&O both suck.

And I love Ako's words: "those guys in LV are healthy too..." You can replace LV with JAX, VB, Columbus, etc.

Morikawa said...

Take easy, guys.

It's not about any Dodger fans love Nomar or not. The fact is Nomar is better than Loney from most aspects. I haven't seen oppositional OFs took back steps when Loney put balls into play.

Moreover, we have already spent about 23M in Oscar-Kent and Ramon-Raphael this year, it doesn't matter Little put Robles or Martinez in the starting lineup, either.

So, just like what the new commercial says, we should take Dodger game home. It's funny!

madboy said...



Ako said...

先發Ramon+Oscar本身就是一種錯誤... (一個我還可以接受)

要打擊沒打擊, 說防守沒防守?

沒速度沒經驗 (Ramon這三年的AB唯一的價值就是沒有價值)

放一堆ready (or almost) prospect 在LV? 然後讓Major的七到九棒整個爛掉?

就算已經是沒有辦法改變的事實, 嘴砲還是不得不打啊 XD

RE: Nomar => I love Nomar a lot. 而且並不認為一年十場的SS會對他的身體造成什麼damage.

KSwisher said...

>>放一堆ready (or almost) prospect 在LV? 然後讓Major的七到九棒整個爛掉?

Actually, I got problem about this, too. Since R&O's only have replacement level performances, why GM don't want to call up ready prospects to improve it?

By the way, don't get me wrong. I like Nomar, too. But I want to see him play the game, not see him watch the game.

In addition, about Kent&Furcal, are they really recovered from the sugeries?

madboy said...

Maybe Colletti thinks he's still working for the Giants where they have almost no prospects in their farm system......XD

For Kent and Furcal's health issue, I've heard a rumor that based on his hurt, Kent MAY NOT HAVE THE SAME POWER AS HE USED TO BE now. And everyone knows Furcal is playing without a healty body, but "the monkey face" intended to buy him whether Furcal is healthy or not.

The probably only truth is that we should never ever believe the Dodger medical staff's announcement before the players can play ball as good as advertised.

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