Sunday, October 23, 2005

2005 CPBL Fake Park Factor

        2005 BPF 2005 PPF
2004 BPF 2004 PPF
Bulls 1.0830 1.0725
Cobras 1.0087 1.0038
Leo 0.9900 0.9775
Elephants 1.0088 1.0048
Whales 0.9678 0.9816
Bears 0.9558 0.9740
BPF:Batters' Park Factor
PPF:Pitchers' Park Factor
台中或許果然還是偏打者,我用"或許"這個詞是因為Bulls也用相當多的偽主場。而比較有主客場觀念的Leo和Bears則偏投手,值得一提的是這兩隊比較有固定主場的球隊,Park Factor都大幅變動,Leo從去年的偏打擊1.04、1.07轉變成今年偏投手的0.97、0.99;Bears則從0.89、0.92轉變成0.95、0.97,而且這次的Park Factor還有加去年的微調!


We use a three-year average Park Factor for players and teams unless they change home parks. Then a two-year average is used, unless the park existed for only one year. Then a one-year mark is used. If a team started up in Year 1, played two years in the first park, one in the next, and three in the park after that and then stopped play, the average would be as follows (where Fn is the one-year park factor for year n):
Year 1 and 2 = (F1 + F2)/2
Year 3 = F3

Year 4 = (F4 + F5)/2
Year 5 = (F4 + F5 + F6)/3
Year 6 = (F5 + F6)/2
根據BR的說法,假使我用去年的Park Factor當作第一年全部跑到新球場為基準的話(主要還是因為至少不只僅有統一一隊使用真主場),那麼04年真正的Park Factor才應該是04年與05年的平均值,而05年的Park Factor還得等明年的校正([04+05+06]/3),因此現在所算出來的平均值該套用到去年的成績才算修正。

所以現在校正的值是04年CPBL的"校正Park Factor"才對。畢竟明年兩隻真正使用主場的球隊應該都還沒有計畫要換主場。

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